Kermit Duckett Memorial AEROSPACE EDUCATION TEACHER WORKSHOP

                                                 CALENDAR OF EVENTS JULY 5-20, 2018




July 5, 2018



UT Physics Building room 108

0900-1200 Registration at UT Physics Building, room 108  Welcome and registration. CAP Orientation, Major General Bowling

Each teacher gets two hours of general aviation flight orientation provided by the Civil Air Patrol.  Two teachers per plane.

July 6 Friday

0900-1200 Basic flight instruction and women in aviation. Guest Speakers:

Jill McElroy US Navy ret.

 Genie Rae O'Kelly

Orientation flights start at

Knox Air Aviation-McGee Tyson

Civil Air Patrol;


July 09 Monday

0900-1200 Hanger Talk, Discussion between US military pilots WWII, Korean, Vietnam; of their flying experiences. Egg-drop contest info



14:00 start CAP flight orientation






July 10 Tuesday

 0900- 12:00 Field trip to McGhee Tyson Airport.  Tour and commercial aviation briefing.  Park in short time parking

Continue orientation flights




July 11 Wednesday

0900-10:30 Leadership, Col Paula Penson,  USAF retired 

10:30 to 12:00 CAP AE and STEM resources.  Suzanne Costner, STEM instructor Fairview School



Continue orientation flights


July 12 Thursday





Astronomy in your classroom

Model Rocket Construction—Paul Lewis—UT Astronomy

Continue orientation flights

 Group and Committee Work


July 13 Friday

0900 Fieldtrip to  Downtown Island Airport for general aviation


Continue Fight Orientations


Group and Committee Work

July 16 Monday, 0900 CST to 15:00

Visit NASA Teacher Resource Center Alabama Space and Rocket Center

Visit Alabama Space and Rocket Center Return to Knoxville

July 17 Tuesday 0900


10:00: Field trip to TN Aviation Museum in Sevierville, TN

PM finish activities and continue flights

Continue CAP flights

July 18 Wednesday 0900

Ralph Pubillones, AFA

STEM/AE lab resources

AE and STEM resources

Sherilyn Dawson, Concord Christian School, STEM

11:00-- Egg Drop, Model Airplane,

Model Rocket Launch

Finish CAP flights



July 19 Thursday





July 20 Friday

0900-9:30 AE in your classroom Col Garner and  Col Lynn,  Final briefing:  Lynn and Garner.

9:45-13:00 Group Presentations


0700 Flight with 134th TN ANG refueling mission

Finish workshop



July 20   TN ANG Morning flight.



                                  UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE


                                     2018 STAFF


            Name                         Position                                Telephone

Dr. Mehmet Aydeniz, PHD                Workshop Directors                 

                                            UT Science Education Professor

                                            UT College of Education--           974-0885 Director

                                     UT Science Ed          


Heather Davis                          Workshop Secretary              974-0068 (Direct all UT questions)


                                                Workshop Classroom Physics Building


Lt. Colonel Dave Garner          Workshop Co-Director:            966-9811-H, 661-9811 Cell

CAP                                         Director Internal AE TN Wing

                                                Director of Communications TN Wing

                                                Aerospace Education CAP.  Aerospace Ed and Science Teacher


                                                CAP AE Internet URL:

                                                Note: UT AE Workshop schedule on website:


Lt. Colonel Gary Lynn              Workshop Assistant Director   CAP TN Wing Director of AE 

                                                CAP Flight Coordinator   


Genie Rae O'Kelly                     Women in Aviation                 404-431-3550       cell   


Lt Col Phil Holt                        Aviation Instructor                                                                                                   


Paul Lewis                               Astronomy Instructor                974-7815

                                                UT Astronomy Department, Physics Bldg.



Guest Speakers:

 Major General Rick Bowling                 CAP National Commander, Civil Air Patrol

Lt Col Phil Holt                                    USAF Retired

US Navy Commander

William Beaty                                      USN Retired

Suzanne Costner                                 Fairview School, Blount Co. STEM

Sherilyn Dawson                                  Concord Christian School, STEM

Ralph Pubillones                                  AFA, Air Force Associatioin

Colonel Paula Penson                          USAF retired


 Field Trip Hotel Information: Hotel in Huntsville your choice

Recommended Hotel: LaQuina, Huntsville Space Center, 3141 University Dr. N.W., Huntsville, AL 35816-3137,




Last Revised 7/02/18